Meet Schnapps
Animal ID 46434768 
Species Dog 
Breed Terrier/Dachshund, Standard Long Haired 
Age 7 years 5 months 28 days 
Gender Male 
Size Small 
Color Tan/White 
Introduce Schnapps slowly, paw step by paw step, to his surroundings, and he gradually relaxes, releasing his true inner sweetness and gentleness.

His foster mom wisely used patience, praise and treats for the first few days to increase his comfort level until he allowed her to pet him, beginning with his chin, progressing to his back and finally to his head. Soon he loved head pets so much that he would gaze up at her with a look that said, "Why did you stop?"

Sweetest in the morning, his tail is constantly wagging, and he greets her with loving licks on her face and ears, while he rubs against her begging for pets. He also loves being close to where she is during the day before moving over to his own space on the couch. Then, when he's especially excited about something, he barks and begins "bunny hopping" around!

After discovering chew toys, teething bones and squeaky toys, he also discovered the joy of tug and playing with his doggy foster friends. Now, as a happy, somewhat submissive, part of the pack, once he's tired himself out, he'll either nap or chill if the rest of the household is chilling.

Highly food motivated, calmness is key to his gently taking his favorite treats: chicken or chicken jerky. Not relaxed enough to be picked up and bathed, loud noises and quick movements still startle him.

Getting used to the feel of a harness, he has yet to be walked on a leash but he's at work on his basic commands and is partially housetrained (he uses pee pads in a pinch), usually following the other dogs' lead.

Now for sweet Schnapps to thrive, he needs a home with a confident dog as both guide and playmate, and loving adopters to gently and patiently nurture him, and educate him fully in exchange for a lifetime of his own loving sweetness.

Schnapps is neutered, up to date on vaccinations and microchipped. To meet or adopt Schnapps, fill out an application and a volunteer will contact you shortly.