Meet Boomer
Species Cat 
Breed Domestic Shorthair/Mix 
Age 11 years 8 months 22 days 
Gender Male 
Size Large 
Color Buff 
Declawed No 
Site Gananoque & District Humane Society 
Location Sunshine room 
Intake Date 4/6/2024 
ARN C114-2020 
Meet Boomer!
Boomer is FIV positive. FIV is a lentivirus, a slow-progressing virus that can compromise a cat's immune system, reducing its ability to fight off illnesses. The virus has a long latent period then progresses so slowly that it may never affect a cat. FIV is transmitted through deep bites between cats and cannot be spread to people, dogs or other animals.

Boomer was part of a cat colony before being trapped and brought to us by a wonderful couple. After being surrendered, it was apparent he was in need of medical attention and was for a very long time before coming to us. Boomer has suspected nerve damage in his spine/tail and a fractured pelvis (suspected to be hit by a car) which has since healed and calcified. He has a "dead tail" which kind of just flops, however it is not causing any issues other than the odd time it gets in the way when he has a bowel movement.
When Boomer arrived he was very quiet and shy. He would sometimes be aggressive if he felt threatened, however, has never attacked us. Boomer has done a complete 360 personality wise; this boy now CRAVES ATTENTION and literally can't get enough! As soon as you enter the room, he is there to greet you. He also loves to snuggle with his friend Moroni; we often catch them in the cat bed watching the birds together! Boomer loves to be comforted, kissed, snuggled and pet, however, well supported when picked up due to his back injury.
Boomer is currently on pain management medications to keep him as comfortable as possible with his injuries. He is also on a laxative to help things "move smoother" so he doesn't have significant back pain when using the restroom, however, it's possible this could be eliminated eventually. Additionally, he is on a joint supplement to help with his arthritis. Like most FIV cats, he is on a high-quality diet with daily Lysine supplement, and also takes every single one of his medications gladly in his food.
Boom Boom boy does well with other cats (which is shocking because he wasn't at the beginning) and may be fine with a cat or a friendly dog with proper introductions. He is very easy going and should be fine with calm children that are understanding of his injuries; however, his home has to be low-stress and indoors ONLY due to being FIV+.

This friendly, affectionate and loving boy enjoys lots of pets, scratches and snuggles however sometimes doesn't enjoy being picked up because of his back injuries. We believe this will change as he gets more comfortable in his perfect home. If you sit on the floor, he approaches you right away. Boomer has so much love to give and is looking for a family to share it with. Could that be you?