Meet Kevin
Species Dog 
Breed Mixed Breed, Large (over 44 lbs fully grown)/Mix 
Age 3 years  
Gender Male 
Size Large 
Color Black/Brown 
Adoption Price $300.00 
**Kevin is being placed by our training team to ensure that he and his new family are set up for success when he goes home. To schedule a meet-and-greet with Kevin, please email

Weight: 49.4 pounds

Are you looking for a relaxed, chill friend who loves to sprawl on the couch and watch tv? Someone content for every day to be an inside day? Well MOVE OVER, because Kevin is not the one for you!

Introducing the rock 'em, sock 'em jock of the ages. You know him, you love him! Iiiiiiiit's KEVINNNNN!! *air horn noises*

There is nothing Kevin loves more than the most obnoxious squeaky toy known to man: the rubber chicken. Give him one of these and you'll be his best friend and also he'll ignore you entirely. Uhm, you just gave him the best toy ever, now leave, human. A close second to the rubber chicken: anything reminiscent of flubber- bouncy, nearly indestructible, great mouth feel. He loves playing fetch with his favorite toys and is doing great learning how to trade them back to you.

To become a part of Kevin's inner circle, you must first pass the bro test. The test is simple, just two questions: do you HAVE TREATS and do you want to ROMP IN THE FOREST?! If yes to both, Kevin says "let's get this thing rolling!"

Now, some important things to note: Kevin is way too cool to be spending his time with other lesser athletes. Other dogs? They can't compete with this, get lost! Cats? Forget it! Kids? Who even let them on the field?! Kevin IS the team!

So, if you're looking for a fun-loving, energetic, goofball of a dog, send an email to our behavior and training team to learn more about this absolute champion.

**Kevin is being placed by our training team to ensure that he and his new family are set up for success when he goes home. To schedule a meet-and-greet with Kevin, please email