Meet Shadow-cat
Animal ID 2000196780 
Species Cat 
Breed Domestic Shorthair/Mix 
Age 12 years 5 months 10 days 
Gender Female 
Size Medium 
Color Grey/Silver 
Declawed No 
Housetrained Unknown 
Site Tails to Tell Animal Rescue Shelter 
Location Foster Home 
Intake Date 10/3/2024 
Stage Available
Meet Shadow-cat, the lovely senior who absolutely adores all attention. Simply sit on the floor and within seconds, she'll be cuddled up in your lap, enjoying every minute. Shadow-cat was discovered at a kind lady's doorstep after the 2013 Calgary floods. A few months later, she gave birth to her adorable babies, Heidii, Patchie, and Squirt. Unfortunately, after their beloved owner passed away, they now find themselves in need of a new forever home. Shadow-cat's closest bond is with her daughter, Patchie. They are looking for a loving forever home together as a bonded pair. The two get along great with other cats and kids, and are always eager to greet you at the door with friendly faces. Give the shelter a call today to meet this wonderful group - they are sure to warm your heart and bring endless love into your life!