Meet Snowball
Animal ID 55050617 
Species Dog 
Breed Terrier, American Pit Bull/Mix 
Age 6 years 2 months 11 days 
Gender Female 
Size Medium 
Color White 
Declawed No 
Housetrained Yes 
Site Charlevoix Area Humane Society 
Location Foster Home 
Intake Date 1/4/2024 
This cutie patootie is Snowball. Snowball is considered a special needs dog as she is totally deaf, but she doesn't let a little thing like that get in her way! Snowball is full of spunky sweetness and has wonderful manners. Snowball was originally adopted from us several years ago but was found running as a stray in another county and was never picked up. After that Snowball found herself back at CAHS in search of a lasting forever home. Snowball has won all of our hearts over and loves spending time in our front office greeting anyone who enters. She loves to sit in chairs or on our front bench staring out the window. She loves everyone that she meets and we just can't believe she is still with us. Snowball does not care for other dogs but we think she would be fine with cats. She is also house trained. Open your home to this little lady and we promise she will warm your heart! Snowball is currently in a wonderful foster home, but still in search of a permanent place to call her own.
A message from Snowball's foster mom:
I have been snowballs foster mom for 7 months now, she is so sweet and eager to please, Snowball is completely deaf but she does know some hand signals, whomever adopts her, through the Charlevoix county humane society , there will be one hour donated by a personal dog trainer to help with your communications. Her sense of smell is superior her vision is excellent and she can feel vibrations, she's an excellent car rider. Her baby blue eyes are just gorgeous. Snowball loves to snuggle, she loves all human beings including my great grandkids.
A fenced in yard would be ideal for her, and she is a great Walker unless her nose smells something, so you're going to want to be strong enough to control her, she's not fond of other dogs but I am sure that could be trained out of her. She appears to be okay with cats?., she does not like kennels, I had a large one, and she was biting and squeezing the metal frame, I was afraid she was going to hurt her teeth, so I did let Snowball have the run of the house and she did a little counter surfing, ate a whole stick of butter, other than a little cleanup , nothing was damaged. She didn't chew anything, other than the butter. she does have separation anxiety, and because she rides so beautifully, it's just easier for me to take her everywhere I go, (I'm retired),
She does have some skin allergies, but seem to be under control with minimal ingredients dog food, and minimal ingredients treats.
Because snowball can't hear you get up and walk around, like other dogs, other dogs can hear If you are still in the house,Snowball will stare at you a lot, she's eager to learn, and if she's sleeping and opens her eyes and you're not there she's roaming the house to find you,
Which is actually pretty quick her nose is really good. And I hope whoever adopt her will have patience and love her because she'll surely give it right back. It's going to take more effort with snowball but she is so worth it... It's like the special needs dogs behave better maybe because they try harder?