Pretty Julienne was found as a stray with her three kittens. They went to a foster home until her kittens were old enough to live independently. The kittens have all since been adopted and Julienne is hoping that her time comes soon. Initially shy, she has warmed up to people and loves to be pet. She enjoys when people visit and quietly talk with her. Julienne was recently adopted and then returned within 48 hours because she played with cat toys during the night - in other words, she was returned for being a cat! She got along with her feline brother in the home and was slowly warming up to the humans before they returned her. Julienne is hoping that a patient family will adopt her and give her the time she needs to decompress and adjust to living in a home. (And maybe put her in a separate room overnight!) This sweet girl was not given a chance during her brief stay at that home. She deserves better than that.