Hello, my name is Pumpkin Spice. My early years were a bit rough. My previous person was homeless, so I spent a lot of time living on the streets before being abandoned at a trailer park. One would think after spending my younger years sowing my wild oats on the streets, I would be a rough and tumble cat, however, I am a lover not a fighter. I am not a very dominant cat, which means I tend to get beat up by stronger cats. I do like to play with younger and calmer cats/kittens.
I LOVE curling up on a warm, comfy lap while my person is watching tv or playing a video game. I would really love to find a home that will allow me to be myself without having to worry about getting beaten up. When my stress and anxiety start to get the best of me, I will lick and pull some of my fur out, but I am hoping with a little bit of love and comfort that'll stop.