Meet Krypton (Bonded with Oxygen)
Animal ID 52499917 
Species Dog 
Breed Chihuahua, Short Coat/Mix 
Age 5 years 30 days 
Gender Male 
Size Small 
Color Cream 
Declawed No 
Housetrained Unknown 
Site MaxFund Dog Shelter 
Location Isolation 
Adoption Price $150.00 
Hello there! My name is Krypton, and I am a 4 year old "chipoo". What's a "chipoo" you ask??? Well let's just say I am a mix of a chihuahua and poodle and maybe something else.

I came to Maxfund with about 60 of my family members from a hoarding situation and am so happy that MaxFund rescued us!! Many of my family members have been adopted but it has taken awhile because we were very unsocialized to and untrusting of humans. Volunteers and staff at MaxFund have taught us that the human hand is not a weapon but can be one used with love. Many of us are bonded with other chipoos and Oxygen and I have become a close bonded pair.

Oxygen and I are looking for a home who may have experience with dogs from hoarding situations or experience with dogs who are very scared. We have become use to certain volunteers and staff who have worked with us for quite awhile to overcome some of our fears, but we may also have certain fears for the rest of our lives. That doesn't mean that we can't be loving dogs, just loving on our terms. Treats are a must if you want to be our friend.

I am still uncomfortable with people touching me. I allow volunteers to loop lead me to go out to the yard, but when coming back into the kennel, I can take the loop off my neck with a little jerk of the lead using my teeth....kind of like Houdini. Oxygen is my "safe" friend. I watch her with humans and see how she reacts to them and I hope to be that trusting at some point. For now, I show the volunteers what I can do and to respect my wishes of not going too fast. I also may never be as trusting as Oxygen, but that's ok with me as long as I have Oxygen by my side and a home that is loving, patient and understanding my wishes.

We would prefer not to be in a home with children or other dogs. We do get along only with our other chipoo sisters and brothers.

If you have the time, patience and love to give, Oxygen and I would love to meet you. We are available as foster to adopt to make sure it is the right fit! We will require several meet and greets. Hope to see you soon