Meet Almond
Animal ID 56612030 
Species Small&Furry 
Breed Guinea Pig/Guinea Pig 
Age 6 months 21 days 
Gender Male 
Size Small 
Color Brown/Orange 
Declawed No 
Site LaSalle Adoption Center 
Location Foster 
Intake Date 8/21/2024 
Adoption Price $25.00 
Almond is a joy, but he's still quite young. The world is very big and he is very smol, so scurrying, burrowing, and tunnelling are still his default reactions to any movement or noise around him. He's starting to vocalize. The equivalent to "No" has come first, with a confident grumble-growl at noises he disapproves of. Just in the last few days, he's begun to quietly churr when he's particularly happy and quietly mumble when he has things to say. The allure of food treats is starting to win against his skittishness, most of the time, but he still appreciates having a towel tented over his food bowl and water bottle. He's begun grooming behaviors on his foster-mom (in this case, that means eating her sparse arm hair). He also likes to sit on her shoulder while they're in the recliner, and rest against her chin. He would likely benefit from having another guinea pig friend or a dedicated, calm human who has plenty of time to spend with him. Give him a bath-towel and a large, leafy green and he'll happily snuggle beside you, dozing, for an hour or two at a time.

While it is not required to adopt them together, guinea pigs do best in groups of 2 or more. Guinea pigs cannot utilize vertical space, so the larger space they have the better! For a pair of guinea pigs, 10.5 square feet (about the area of a bathtub) at least is recommended, which most commercially sold cages unfortunately do not replicate. A spacious guinea pig cage can also benefit you as cleaning frequency and smell will be lessened. Like people, guinea pigs lack the physical ability to manufacture their own vitamin C and require an outside source of vitamin C in the form of vegetables and fruits. Almond will also need high-quality guinea pig food, fresh water daily, unlimited amounts of timothy hay, and enrichment such as brushing with a soft brush, toys, tunnels, chews, and hides. Guinea pigs love fruits, and veggies- they will squeal with joy when they see you with a handful of their favorite foods- romaine lettuce, cucumbers, green peppers, cilantro, or carrots (special treat). They like tunneling in their litterbox full of hay, for a snack and bathroom break. They will use the litterbox-but be prepared guinea pigs poop every 15 minutes and can make a mess! This guinea pig's adopter will also need access to an exotic vet to get them proper medical care and check-ups.