Meet Mookie Mae
Animal ID 47982951 
Species Cat 
Breed Domestic Shorthair/Mix 
Age 3 years 11 months 23 days 
Gender Female 
Declawed No 
Hi - I am Mookie Mae. My mom calls me Mookie Pookie Dookie cause she is silly. I was in Animal Control as a tiny kitten really scared, and now I don't love people touching me, but I do like to hang out with my family. I have let my mom hold me and give me kisses. I love cat friends - my best friend is my 9 year old foster cat brother who lets me cuddle with him in his bed. I love to sleep in my favorite window seat or a dog bed and my mom just bought me a cat tree that I love. I know what time breakfast is every morning so I come into the kitchen to let mom know I am hungry. My favorite toy is a ball that I carry around and I REALLY love when bugs come in and I can hunt them. I may be shy with people but I am sweet and easy. I like to sit in the living room while everyone watches tv, and I like to talk to everyone when I want something. I will come up to mom to take cat treats out of her hand - my favorite are Churu treats. Sometimes I sneak up on her and touch her feet with my paws to tell her thank you. I live with three dogs, and while I like them, sometimes they are a little bit crazy for me, but I do let my foster brother Alden lick me. My perfect home needs a cat (I play very gently so older cats are perfect too!) and someone who will let me come out of my shell at my own pace. Kids are going to be scary because they move fast like me so I prefer older ones.
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